John Egan, economist and entrepreneur

Jess helped us through a particularly complex time in the organisation's development. I knew Jess as a friend before I knew her as a professional and found myself in awe of how she manages to package the aspects of her personality she is renowned for to her friends, namely poise, patience, optimism and diligence, in a tense commercial environment. Jess manages to create islands of diplomacy through personality, intellect and a quiet fierceness. Jess is roundly respected by all who know her. She is intelligent, thoughtful and insightful. In my personal and professional dealings with Jess I have found her to be both remarkably consistent and consistently remarkable.”

Sarah Price

Conscious Coach and Professional Point Guard — I’ve made my career as a project manager + translator at the intersection of creativity and technicality. I am most fulfilled when I’m helping people connect the dots and guiding them toward what they already, intuitively know.

Mychal Estrada, experience designer and organizational strategist


Ossob Mohamud, freelance writer in education